1. It's nearly impossible for me to restrain from stuffing my face all the time.
2. I don't wear makeup - it's too annoying.
3. Typing cuss words is much more fun than saying them.
4. I'm rather economical; you know, a real penny pincher. 'Cause frugality rocks.
5. I don't make goals anymore because I know that the system doesn't work for me.
6. At some point in the night [when I'm with my friends] I start making puns, rhyming, and singing made-up songs.
7. Like most people, I can listen to anything but country. Old music is the best kind.
8. I really like smiley faces, but I'll try to abstain from using them too much on here. :]
9. I'm in band, and I don't even want to know what my life would be like without it.
10. I get distracted super easily, but I wouldn't call it A.D.D.
Well there you have it, folks. Keep checking back for more posts!
You are cute :). I love rants, rubbish, random observations, and ridiculous amounts of contradictions.
P.S. Country music is amazing. Give it a shot, you Texan. :)
Never! I am too narrow-minded to give country music a shot. :)
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